Coach with Cap City
Contact us about coaching
Coaches and assistant coaches play a critical role in Cap City. Whether you’ve been looking forward to coaching your child’s team since they were two or you offered because no one else did – Cap City needs you!
If you are interested in coaching, contact the Division Commissioner for your player’s team.
Requirements for Coaches and Assistant Coaches
To ensure the safety of all kids playing with Cap City, all coaches and assistant coaches must:
- Complete Background Check: Division Commissioners will share your email address with Cap City’s Safety Officer. The Safety Officer, through JD Palatine (JDP), will send you an invitation to complete your Background Check. Please check your Spam/Junk folder if you have not seen it come through. This is an annual requirement.
- Complete these online courses:
- Concussion Training: CDC – HEADS Up to Youth Sports: Coaches (renew every two years)
- Abuse Awareness for Adults: USABaseball Course (annual requirement)
Create an account
- Go to
- Click “Sign in/Register”
- Enter all required information
- Select 'Capitol City Little League' from the “Little League – Local Leagues” drop-down menu and click “+Join”
- If you have an existing account, click your name in the top right corner, select MY ACCOUNT, and then UPDATE MY PROFILE to link your account with your Cap City Little League.
Complete Abuse Awareness for Adults course
- Select COURSES
- Click “Abuse Awareness for Adults” → “+Enroll” → “Go to Course”
- Complete the course
- Send a copy of the certificate indicating completion of these trainings to Cap City’s Safety Officer at
- At least one coach per team must attend their division’s Coaches Meeting, Safety Meeting, and Positive Coaching Alliance Training. Details will be provided by the Safety Officer and Division Commissioners.
- Read through Cap City’s safety manual.
- Read through Little League International’s Child Protection Program.